
Quotes of the person vs. society conflict in the hunger games
Quotes of the  person vs. society conflict in the hunger games

quotes of the person vs. society conflict in the hunger games

That I'm more than just a piece in their Games." p.172 Only I keep wishing I could think of a way to. Turn me into some kind of monster that I'm not." p.171 "When the time comes, I'm sure I'll kill just like everybody else. "I don't want them to change me in there. Peeta refuses to let the Games (and in turn, the Gamemakers) change him. Also, killing 'evil' people seems easier than killing less evil ones (e.g. She appears to feel more guilty over the Avox girl than over killing anyone in the arena. How much guilt does Katniss feel over these decisions and is the guilt justifiable?

quotes of the person vs. society conflict in the hunger games

How do these decisions effect or change them? To what extent is Katniss and the other characters in the text prepared to commit inhumane or morally acts to increase their chances of survival? Quite often these decisions are based on a potential threat to herself, either directly or indirectly caused by the Capitol's tyrannical (harsh) treatment of the lesser districts. Katniss, in particular, faces a number of situations in the novel where she has to decide whether to do something humane (compassionate) or do something inhumane to another person. This would mean someone can be both inhumane and humane but would probably be more one than the other. It is more helpful to consider these two concepts as a continuum in the novel rather than a case of one or the other. 3.7 Dehumanisation to Justify Inequality.3.5 Fear and Mistrust of One Another (Narcs!).3.4 Propaganda and Restriction of Information.3.1 The Use of Entertainment to Control the Population.3 Freedom of Speech, & Freedom of Expression Does not Exist in Panem.

Quotes of the  person vs. society conflict in the hunger games